Trial Monitoring

ECCC, Case 002/02, Issue 30

September 10, 2015
ECCC, Case 002/02, Issue 30
Publication Documents
Case or Series

Case 002/02

Case or Series






From 7 to 10 September 2015, the Trial Chamber commenced a new segment of the proceedings in Case 002/02 with testimony from two witnesses and a Civil Party. This next segment of trial, which covers the treatment of targeted groups and begins with the treatment of the Cham, relates to charges of genocide and the crimes against humanity of extermination, imprisonment, murder, torture, and persecution on political and religious grounds. Witnesses Ith Sen and Seng Khuy, as well as Civil Party Sos Ponyamin, testified about the curtailment of Cham language, clothing, and religious practice, and they provided information about the security centers across present-day Kampong Cham Province where they witnessed the detention and execution of large numbers of Chams. Before any testimony this week, however, Counsel for Khieu Samphan, Anta Guissé, replied to the OCP and Civil Parties’ documentary presentations from the previous week. Summaries of her response, as well as the three testimonies this week, are included in the following report.